tbs eFM This Morning

tbs eFM This Morning

Latest Episodes

1105 News Therapy : Continuing suicide of celebrities and public figures
November 04, 2020

News Therapy -Continuing suicide of celebrities and public figures -계속되는 연예인 및 공인의 자살 비보 Guest: Dr. Won Eun Soo, Professor of Psychiatry, Cha University’s School of Medicine and Chaum Life Center

1105 Nk Now : NIS-National Assembly audit updates
November 04, 2020

Nk Now -NIS-National Assembly audit updates -Suspected defector captured at inter-Korean borders -WHO's report on suspected COVID-19 cases in North Korea -국회 정보위원회의 국정원 국정감사 업데이트 -귀순 추정 북한 남성으로 인한 경계 경보 진돗개 발령 -세계보건기구의 북한 내 코로나19 의심 사례 Guest: Jeongmi

1105 IN FOCUS 2 : KCC's policies (Korea Communication Committee) toward general
November 04, 2020

Featured interview: KCC's policies (Korea Communication Committee) toward general programming networks in Korea and its recent decision to suspend MBN -방통위의 종합편성채널 승인 제도 및 MBN 업무정지 처분 Guest: Professor Lee Taek-Gwang, School of Global Communication at K

1105 IN FOCUS 1 : Aftermath of the US presidential election vote turnouts and up
November 04, 2020

Featured interview: Aftermath of the US presidential election vote turnouts and updates -미국 대선 결과 여파 및 개표 상황 Guest: Professor Dennis Jett, School of International Affairs at Penn State University

1105 Global News Watch : Updates on the vote counts for the 2020 presidential el
November 04, 2020

Global News Watch -Updates on the vote counts for the 2020 presidential election -미국 대선 개표 상황 업데이트 Guest: Nicholas Moore, Reporter

1105 News Briefing : US presidential election impact on inter-Korean relations
November 04, 2020

News Briefing -US presidential election impact on inter-Korean relations -Cluster COVID-19 infections from Samsung Medical Center -Progress on independent investigative unit -China's regulations on Jack Ma's Ant Group IPO -미국 대선 한반도 정세 영향 -삼성서울병원 장례식

1104 IN FOCUS 4 : Live updates on the US Presidential election
November 03, 2020

Featured Interview: Live updates on the US Presidential election -미국 대선 실시간 업데이트 Guests: Professor Cho Heekyung, Hongik University College of Law Professor Kim Kee-Chang, Korea University Law School Daniel Shin, LA based journalist and producer

1104 IN FOCUS 3 : Live updates on the US Presidential election
November 03, 2020

Featured Interview: Live updates on the US Presidential election -미국 대선 실시간 업데이트 Guests: Professor Cho Heekyung, Hongik University College of Law Professor Kim Kee-Chang, Korea University Law School Professor Dov Levin, Department of Politics and Public

1104 IN FOCUS 2 : Implications of China's Digital Yuan on the global market
November 03, 2020

Featured interview: Implications of China's Digital Yuan on the global market -중국의 디지털 위안화가 세계 금융시장에 미칠 영향 Guest: Professor Kim Yongjin, Sogang University School of Business

1104 IN FOCUS 1 : Fukushima water release and possible damage on the human DNA
November 03, 2020

Featured interview: Fukushima water release and possible damage on the human DNA - 후쿠시마 오염수 방출 우려와 그로인해 예상되는 피해 Guest: Dr. Helen Caldicott, Anti-nuclear activist, founding president of Beyond Nuclear