Tangent Tabletop

Tangent Tabletop

Meet: Nectar

July 02, 2021

Let's welcome Aaron Deaton to the Tangent Tabletop table! He will be play Nectar, a Circle of Stars druid starting on 7/5/21, episode 10 of Iglos.
"Early Life:
Nectar was raised by a kind old man named Algus.
Algus had been laying in his field after a long day of tending sheep when he saw a streak in the sky. Shooting stars weren't uncommon, but when they land only a couple hundred yards away it's pretty startling. Nevertheless Algus investigated, hoping a meteorite could be worth a few gold pieces to the right person.
Instead of a simple misshapen rock, Algus found a small pink fairy.
Not knowing what to do, he decided to raise this fairy as best he could, even if he didn't have the first clue how. Most of their time together was spent as you would expect: tending a farm, learning basic life lessons, and being a family. Often, Nectar would be teased by the other kids which eventually led to Nectar learning how to enjoy time alone. That alone time was often spent staring at the stars, a pasttime Algus enjoying sharing with Nectar until the day he passed.
Unfortunately, Algus passed away in his sleep when Nectar was ten years old. Amidst the tears, Nectar could swear they saw a new star in the sky that day.
Teenage Optimism:
Algus had never kept the circumstance of their family from Nectar, which was Nectar's prime catalyst for feeling as though they had some kind of calling in this life.
After Algus' death, Nectar took to the road as competing farmers quickly seized the land Nectar had once called home.
An unsurprising but still frustrating and depressing fact was that no one else ever seemed to welcome Nectar the way Algus did. Always shunned away as a thief or a scoundrel with very little chance to prove otherwise save for a few occasions. And those that did welcome Nectar often expected they act and be a certain way. They expected the whimsical and magical. They expected to be entertained. They expected a dancing monkey.
And so Nectar became a transient, hoping one day to find a new home. All the while still staring up, hoping Algus was looking out for them. Nectar even began to make note of small changes in star patterns, noting the patterns down on anything they could find.
One day, whilst Nectar was looking for something edible in a forest a small portal opened. Being inquisitive and completely clueless as to what this swirling light was, Nectar reached out, and before you know it, Nectar found themselves in the Feywild.
Life in the Feywild was drastically different. Between finding other folk like themselves and just being in love with the landscapes; Nectar felt home.
However. Nectar always felt a calling. Like unto a reoccuring headache. A feeling that keeps you on pins and needles. A feeling that they were not allowed to sit still. A feeling that they weren't home quite yet.
While in the Feywild Nectar learned of something that spoke to them on a very personal level. Nectar learned of a following of druids who studied the stars and could even connect with them, displaying constellations on their own bodies. If Algus was telling the truth, and Nectar really did fall from the heavens like a meteorite, then this was a sign. The various star patterns Nectar had printed on pieces of bark, rocks, and small glass disks couldn't be a mere coincidence. Thusly Nectar joined the Circle of the Stars.
On a day much like any other, when Nectar was simply passing through a field of sunflowers, a portal opened. This was the same doorway. The same portal. Nectar knew where it would lead, and had to make a decision. A decision Nectar did not want to make. Nectar had friends here. But there was no guarantee this chance would ever present itself again.
From that day to the present:
The year was 749 when Nectar stepped back through the portal.
The year everything started. From their years of training as a druid Nectar knew one thing. Go to where this event was happening and note any clusters, constellations,