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Kidnapped Kids
October 12, 2010

The Tamar Yonah ShowClose your eyes and imagine how it was for our ancestors to live in Russia. Everyday you give your little boy a kiss goodbye off to school (cheder), but one day, he doesn't return. And neither does your neighbor's little son, nor your

Tolerating Evil: A Recipe for Disaster
October 11, 2010

The Tamar Yonah ShowTamar expounds on the dangers of tolerating the acts of the terrorists. Add to that the appeasing of terrorists and even more, 'rewarding' them for their violence. When evil is tolerated, it grows until it is so acceptable, e

Building Freeze or Building Spree
October 10, 2010

The Tamar Yonah ShowFormer Mayor of Kedumim and Hill Top Youth leader, Daniella Weiss, joins Tamar and talks about the building freeze, and the need for a building spree! Also, author Yedida Cohen from explains the meaning of the Land

Rocks & The Law
October 10, 2010

The Tamar Yonah ShowShifra Hoffman talks about the current news stories and Lawyer Yaakov Golbert from Hashkem, comments on the horrifying video of a pre-planned and vicious rock attack against a father and son, and the ramifications of what both sides mi

Stirring the 'Peace' Pot: Enhancing the Script
October 05, 2010

The Tamar Yonah ShowHas a peace deal already been agreed upon? Is there a 'script' to go by and the game has already been played?  How will Israel fair playing by the rules of its enemies? Are Syria, Iran, the Hezbollah, Hamas and the Palestinia

Only In Israel: Stories & News
October 04, 2010

The Tamar Yonah ShowTamar discusses with Gavriel Queenann, 'Only in Israel stories' and the latest news events in Israel: Synagogue no, Mosque, yes? Also, the Israel-Iran conflict, will they attack us, or we them? Plus: The Eidelberg Report

Dissecting the Peace Talks
October 03, 2010

The Tamar Yonah ShowWho exactly is 'talking' in the peace-talks? Why are they there and what is their agenda, and most importantly perhaps, what do they all have in common in their agendas towards Israel? Elad from, an 'Israeli consp

What is the Role of Islam in the World?
October 03, 2010

The Tamar Yonah ShowShifra Hoffman expresses her loathing as she describes how Israel's leaders are bowing down to the despicable terrorists who want to destroy us through the peace process talks. Roy (Yisroel) Neuberger, author of the book, 2020 Vision,

Play With Fire (Part 2)
September 21, 2010

The Tamar Yonah ShowThis is Part 2 of a classic interview Tamar did with Tova Mordechai, author of, "To Play With Fire - One Woman's Remarkable Odyssey ". Don't miss it! Picture this: You are born a Jew, but don't know it. Then you are ste

Getting the Wrong Birthday Present
September 20, 2010

The Tamar Yonah ShowWhat does love mean? Tamar floods us with information on HOW to love. Whether it is investing in a relationship with your spouse, or with your Creator, we need to understand the love languages, and know how to really LOVE the