Talk of the Tome Podcast
Latest Episodes
#14: Postmortem
They say you learn the most from your failures. For this, the final episode of Talk of the Tome, Dylan and Timothy turn inward and hold a project postmortem to decide what they're going to learn from making a projection-mapped pop-up book which, by most a
#13: How To Make An Interactive Pop-up Book
This is the one were I give you some advice. Say you want to make a projection-mapped pop-up book. Say you want to set out and make something like what I made for Tome of the Seashore, only better. What are the kinds of things you should know before start
#12: Traditional v. Programatic Animation
It's an episode dedicated solely to the animations in Tome of the Seashore. Twelve down, only two more to go!
#11: Music and Sound Design
It's another solo episode! Dylan talks about using music and sound effects, how to find and fine-tune the different elements of a soundtrack for a project, and later shares his workflows for writing music on both Windows and Mac OS X.
#10: Text and Typography
After a month-and-a-half hiatus, Dylan is back for a solo episode. On this episode's agenda: how to choose fonts, how typography can be used as a storytelling tool, and the importance of CYOB.
#9: Major Story Surgery
Despite many important updates bursting at the seems, clamoring for attention, Tim and Dylan spend the whole episode talking about the story.
#8: Secret Episode Number Eight
Sometimes we make mistakes that are impossible to put back together. Other times, we stick the landing only to find that while we were in mid-air a crocodile got transported right behind us.Yes, I mixed my metaphors. Don't worry about it, that's not impor
#7: Pull-up Resistors (and a TouchDesigner Thing)
After a failed discussion of circuit design, Tim learns about how awesome Arduino’s are while Dylan talks about abusing his body for art. Then, Tim considers drawing a lustful tree and Dylan hates Christmas. Surprisingly, no singing ensues.
#6: Each Page Is a Circuit
A status update of sorts. In between coughing and guzzling cold medicine, Dylan engineered a way to read page turns and Timothy really likes trees. Not much editing here because reasons.
#5: Dual Booting, Microcontrollers, and Web Ads
Dylan recounts his thrilling tale of installing Windows on a Macintosh, Timothy learns about microcontrollers, and the world gets yet another discussion about how bad web ads are. Much singing ensues. The world needed this extended edition!