Taking The Charge

Taking The Charge

Taking The Charge Podcast 119: Cedevita Zagreb sports director Matej Mamic

December 24, 2014

Cedevia Zagreb sports director Matej Mamic has turned the Croatian club into a growing power – and he talks about it on Taking The Charge.

Taking The Charge Podcast Episode 119: It’s Christmas Eve and the heinnews family is calling but of course there’s a Taking The Charge podcast to get to the listeners. So here you go. This week’s interview partner is Matej Mamic, the sports director of the up-coming Croatian club Cedevita Zagreb.

To subscribe to the show, insert this feed into your podcast aggregator (such as iTunes): http://heinnews.com/feed/taking-the-charge/

Episode 119: Breakdown of the show – With the Christmas season taking up my time, this week all we talk about is the interview with Matej Mamic. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!!

Matej Mamic: 4:10

This week’s music: “All The Ice King Wants For Christmas” by Jonathan Mann – 37:45

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