Taking The Charge

Taking The Charge

Taking The Charge Podcast 113: Hall of Fame basketball writer Dick “Hoops” Weiss

November 12, 2014

College basketball writers’ Hall of Famer Dick “Hoops” Weiss talks college hoops on Taking The Charge.

Taking The Charge Podcast Episode 113: Dave talks to the college basketball writers’  Hall of Famer Dick “Hoops” Weiss about the up-coming NCAA season.

To subscribe to the show, insert this feed into your podcast aggregator (such as iTunes): http://heinnews.com/feed/taking-the-charge/

Episode 113: Breakdown of show

Dick “Hoops” Weiss: 2:00

This week’s music: “Stuck On A Hat-Check Girl” by Al Duvall 56:00

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