Sword Board & 20-Sided Dice

Sword Board & 20-Sided Dice

Latest Episodes

Episode 29: Asgeirr Dies?
September 23, 2015

After arriving in Waterdeep, the adventurers have to decide which path to follow. Will they help Asgeirr's friend, Look into the odd behaviors of Milda, the potion shop owner, or chase the half-dragon?

Episode 28: The Arrival
September 13, 2015

The group finishes their journey to Waterdeep and set out to deliver the goods they traveled with as well as find Hilda's Potion Shoppe so that Luca can FINALLY find out what her mysterious blue liquid is.

Episode 27: Don't Finger The Paintings
September 07, 2015

After joining the caravan and meeting up with Turük, the group try to find out more information about the cult and where they are going.

Episode 26: The Heist - Pt 5
September 02, 2015

The group wraps up their information gathering and begin the process of robbing the bank.

Episode 25: The Spider's Web
August 24, 2015

Find out what is in the chest and where this cave leads!

Episode 24: As Cold As Ice
August 10, 2015

Surrounded by The Spider's, our adventurers are in a tight spot. What are they going to do to get out?

Episode 23: Pickpockets and Muurderrrr!
August 03, 2015

In search of a way to fit in with the caravan, things get a little out of hand.

Episode 22: Harpin' With The Harpers
July 27, 2015

After killing Frulam and leaving the cave, the adventurers set off towards Greenest.

Episode 21: What The Hell Is A Bimpy?!
July 19, 2015

Still mourning the death of Maude, the adventurers push further into the Cultist's Cave. They stumbled upon the nest of eggs and destroyed the incubating death bringers. They push even further in search of the Greenest Armor.

Episode 20: Our Nest Eggs
July 13, 2015

After killing Lang, the Adventurers mourn the death of Maude in their own ways.