Sword Board & 20-Sided Dice

Sword Board & 20-Sided Dice

Latest Episodes

Episode 39: The Necromancer
December 13, 2015

With Iron and Stone Golems pressing in on them, the group rushes to solve the final mysteries of the room. Once through they have an unexpected encounter with a much anticipated foe.

Episode 38: The Mystery Box Could Be Anything
December 01, 2015

After slaughtering 30 "people" which were all probably children, the group press on and find themselves trying to solve the riddles of a mysterious wooden box, while being attacked by Golems!

Episode 37: Schrödinger's Mask
November 23, 2015

While exploring the Blood Pack's cave, the adventurers stumbled upon a large group of Blood Pack members standing around a fire chanting. With ideas of sneaking past them or finding another route, the group decides to say "fuck it!" and just attack them.

Episode 36: Blood Pack
November 09, 2015

After stopping the return of Tiamat, the group found their way back to Hilda's Potions following the sounds of an explosion. Upon finding Hilda's cold, dead body, the group sets out to put an end to the murderous Blood Pack.

Episode 35: The Hourglass
November 01, 2015

After meeting up with Jamna, the group is attacked by Rezimir, but they are left with a choice. Do they seek revenge for Maude's death and the "abduction" of T'iim or do they attempt to stop the rise of the Dragon Queen?

Episode 34: The Heist - Pt 6
October 28, 2015

With their research on the bank and a plan in place, the three thieves set the heist in motion.

Episode 33: We Don't Need No Stinking Maps
October 18, 2015

After speaking with Geoffrey and solving the Pirate Cave's puzzle, the group now have themselves a ship. They come up with a name for the ship and then head back to Waterdeep to make sure Jamna is ready to deliver Rezimir as she "promised" she would.

Episode 32: Oh Captain, My Captain!
October 13, 2015

After fighting the pirates, our adventurers find themselves sailing towards the face of a cliff! How will our heroes get themselves out of this mess?

Episode 31: Crossing Swords With Pirates
October 05, 2015

After getting the job from Westbrook the Orc, the group sets sail to stop pirates!

Episode 30: Einar
September 29, 2015

The group departs with Asgeirr and heads back to Waterdeep to take care of some unfinished business. Upon going to the Potion Shop, they meet someone they weren't expecting.