Switching Over

Switching Over

Latest Episodes

Switched Off
August 30, 2016

Final episode

Decisions Decisions
August 02, 2016

Discussing the presidents daughter outings and all of the Arthur memes

We Have Questions
July 19, 2016

Discussing the stolen Michelle Obama speech along with questions we wish the world has answers for

We Are Black
July 07, 2016

Discussing NBA moves and the multiple killings resulting in another #blacklivematter movement

Monique Invades
July 01, 2016

Discussing food expenses, animals getting loose, and shows that everyone should be watching

Eyebrows are important
June 23, 2016

Crying players , packing , and returning things back in its original fashion

Unity lives on
June 15, 2016

Discussing the events that have taken place over past few days ... & discussing how individuals deal with strategy

No Topic!! No Topic!!
June 09, 2016

We're discussing everything we missed and more in the world

May 26, 2016

Realizing taking a new route may actually be better than the normal one and prayers for Tamar

May 20, 2016

Discussing Beyoncé and daddy Knowles along with how to interpret your dreams