Swiss Sciences - Podcasts powered by Odiogo

Swiss Sciences - Podcasts powered by Odiogo

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Small Adjustments That Will Make You Healthier
April 19, 2011

It does not need to be very hard to keep in shape and stay as healthy as possible. Honestly, for the most part, staying healthy and in shape isn’t going to take much more than a few small good habits.  Lots of individuals hold out until t

The Pertinent Things You Should Know Concerning Asthma… Unless You Want To Pay The Ultimate Price Of Ignorance
April 13, 2011

Being an asthmatic patient means that you are going to have to be very careful about how you live your life. It is not the end of the world, no, but it is real cause for you to exercise some caution. You need your inhaler and all those other medications t

The Most Interesting (And Fun) Exercise Equipment
April 12, 2011

Not so very long ago really the only sort of physical exercise you could do included jumping, running and things like pushups and sit ups. People could also, sometimes lift heavy things. Over time, nevertheless, new innovations have been created to work s

Basics About Hybrid Bikes
April 06, 2011

Some of us have no idea as to what hybrid bikes really are. These are nothing however cycles which are designed for general purpose utility as well because very well because for commuting on a variety of surfaces. These surfaces could either stay paved or

Can You Take advantage of Caffeine?
April 05, 2011

Everywhere you turn, consumers are stopping caffeine. Yes, there are a few who are really vulnerable to the stuff, but for the most part, it is peer pressure that makes people give it up. Everywhere you look you will discover articles about how terrible c

Home Remedies For Headaches – Simple and easy , Effective
April 02, 2011

Home remedies for headaches are just the fast repair that you need for painful and bothersome bouts associated with head ache. Indeed, it is possible to make a move for which head discomfort utilizing easy kitchen ingredients. What’s head ache? This

Sinus Headache Relief – What you ought to Understand First
April 01, 2011

Throbbing discomfort, intense pressure, nasal congestion, lost rest, tiredness  a sinus headache is enough to help to make anyone miserable. But before you spend energy looking for sinus headache relief, think about: Is a real sinus headache? The simple

How To Beat Depression Using Natural Remedies
March 31, 2011

Most cases of depression if not all can be helped with treatment, but many people are too scared to seek treatment. They may be afraid of the questions that a therapist might ask, or they may be afraid of the medication that is designed to help with depre

Get Healthy in 10,000 Steps
March 27, 2011

One thing about Weight Loss that is pretty amazing is how far-reaching it has shown itself to be among the populace. Indeed, it is just not all that hard to see it at work in your life or the lives of people you know, possibly. However, there is far more

Keeping Track of What You Eat: How to Do It Correctly
March 26, 2011

When you begin your diet one of many things you will learn right away is that maintaining a food journal is very helpful. Keeping a food log makes it possible to determine the foods you are eating as well as the foods you aren’t eating. For example,