SWAT Bible Study
Latest Episodes
SWAT Bible Study 9/25/24 Mark 7:31-37 Ears to HEAR (Shema)
Jesus continues to train His disciples teaching t…
SWAT Bible Study 9/11/24 Mark 7:1-23 True Love and Biblical Spirituality
This week, we dive into Mark 7 and see Jesus scho
SWAT Bible Study 5/08/24 Mark 6:45-56 Never Fear, Jesus is Near, Discipleship 301
This week, we finish up Mark 6 by looking at how
SWAT Bible Study 05/01/24 Jesus - The Bread of Life, Discipleship 201 Mark 6:30-44
This week, we see Jesus perform His biggest mirac
SWAT Bible Study 04/24/24 Herod Antipas, An ungodly, wicked leader Mark 6:14-29
This week, God reveals the marks of an ungodly an
SWAT Bible Study - 04/17/24 The First Short-term Mission Trip Mark 6:7-13;30-32
In today's study. Jesus sends out the twelve on t
SWAT Bible Study - 04/10/24 Responding to Rejection Mark 6:1-6
In today's study, Jesus goes back to Nazareth wit
SWAT Bible Study - 4/3/24 An Unlikely Pair Mark 5:21-43
In today's study, Jesus goes back to Capernaum an
SWAT Bible Study 3/27/24 Hostile Takeover - Piercing the Darkness Mark 5:1-20
In this study, we see Jesus intentionally take th
SWAT Bible Study 3/20/24 Growing through the Storms Mark 4:35-41
In this study, we see Jesus take the training of