Surviving Medicine

Surviving Medicine

066: What medical schools forget to teach – Dr. Louise Aronson MD – Geriatrician

August 25, 2019

Dr. Louise Aronson MD

* Geriatrician
* World renowned Author
* Professor of Medicine at UCSF
* Director of Health Humanities

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Dr. Louise Aronson, Geriatrician, is a professor of medicine at UCSF and the Director of the Health Humanities program. She is a world renowned author, with her newest book titled “Elderhood” where she redefines aging, discusses the transformation of medicine and reimagines life through approaching our later decades.
A little about Dr. Aronson, she is a graduate of Harvard Medical School and has a Master of Fine Arts for writing. She is a MacDowell fellow, has received four pushcart nominations, and is a frequent contributor to the New York times, the new England journal of medicine, the lancet, and Bellevue literary review. She has received awards for her humanism, her work as a home care physician, and for her work as a clinical educator for the American geriatrics Society.
In this episode, we discuss her journey to medicine, her passion for writing and the arts and humanities, why she felt called to be a geriatrician, how the medical education system is failing the aging populations, why we should all invest in learning about elderly care, and why we shouldn’t be afraid of death.