The Survival Podcast

The Survival Podcast

Episode-141- TSP Rewind – Dropping the Denominator

July 03, 2020

Today is an episode of TSP Rewind, commercial free versions of past podcast episodes. Today’s episode was originally Episode-2458- Dropping the Denominator and was originally and first published on June 25th, 2019.
The following are the original show notes from that episode.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “the lowest common denominator”. While this is an actual mathematical principle it has also become a colloquialism meaning to cater to the lowest preforming member of a given group.
Today that group is the people of the United States and the performance metrics are basic intelligence, critical thinking and the ability to use logic and reason.
In essence a better title for this show may be “lowering the common denominator” with the sub title of “the dumbing down of America”, but I simply feel dropping the denominator sounds better and requires more thought, and as you shall see, thinking is the main focus of today’s episode.

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Everything you need to know is in the pharmaceutical marketing formula
Specific ways people have been dumbed down

Taught that the method is more important than the results
Everything has become a labeled illness, disorder, condition, etc and celebrated
Actual mental disorders are considered “normal”
The goal of modern medicine is to medicate every person from cradle to grave
Food is toxic even in the wealthiest nation that have ever existed
People have been convinced education credentials equal intelligence
People have been taught to be proud of who they are, vs. what they accomplish
The role of government has become “keeping us safe” instead of the protection of rights
The concept of “settled science” has turned science into a religion

Fighting the current of stupidity

Verify information and examine every side of every issue
Realize that 95% of what people think is important, isn’t
Make your life a series of “learning projects”
Challenge your children and teach them to challenge you back
Develop your pattern recognition
Learn to work systems to your advantage
Don’t join a “tribe” political or otherwise
Determine the things you most want and put 95% of your effort into getting them
If you don’t want to be a little more like a person in your life, don’t spend much time with them
Spirko’s Law of Life #13 – Believe as you wish but know why you believe what you believe

Final Thoughts – You don’t have to play their games, so don’t

Resources for today’s show…

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There Must be More to Life than This – Freddy Mercury

Sponsors of the Day

Ready Made Resources
Free State Project

Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.

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