The Survival Podcast

The Survival Podcast

Episode-134- TSP Rewind – How Preparedness Leads to Liberty

June 24, 2020

Today is an episode of TSP Rewind, commercial free versions of past podcast episodes. Today’s episode was originally Episode-1991- How Preparedness Leads to Liberty and was originally published on April 25th, 2017.
The following are the original show notes from that episode..
If you go find my TSP forum profile you will see a bit of text that says,
Liberty is precious, fight to keep it!
I guess it is about 8 years since I put those words on my profile and my view of the value of liberty has only increased since that time. Since day one I have said the real mission of The Survival Podcast is to educate people to the concepts of Self Sufficiency, Self Reliance, Independence and Liberty. To me those four ideas can’t be separated.

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First let’s define the four pillars of TSP

Self Sufficiency – The percentage of your needs met by your own systems
Self Reliance – The duration in time you can live well without systems of support
Independence – The ability to control your own life on your own terms
Liberty – The freedom to fully exercise your independence

Why people choose bondage over liberty

Programming and conditioning (domestication)
Misdirected morality

How Preparedness Leads to Liberty

It removes fear
It directly addresses programming and domestication
It requires independent thought
It is counter to the norm, and requires action
It sooner or later pays off, so you know it works

The things we should be taught are our personal responsibility as children


Why the system will never take this approach

Resources for today’s show…

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The Year 1991
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Civil War – Guns and Roses

Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.

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