The Survival Podcast

The Survival Podcast

Episode-133- TSP Rewind – Do People Really Want Freedom

June 23, 2020

Today is an episode of TSP Rewind, commercial free versions of past podcast episodes. Today’s episode was originally Episode-1928- Do People Really Want Freedom and was originally published on Jan. 10th 2017.
The following are the original show notes from that episode..
The word freedom has almost been risen to holy status in our society. You see people absolutely lose their minds if someone say burns a dime store flag that they personally paid for, because, “that flag symbolizes our freedom”, etc.
Most People Willing Put On Their Own Chains
Our nation is touted as “the freest nation in the world” and anyone
questioning the claim is shouted down and told nonsense like, “well then move to Somalia”. I am sorry but a person point out discrepancies and concerns about liberty is not told to just move to Somalia in a society that actually loves freedom.
In the end I don’t think the question is so easy to answer. On the surface, sure everyone yearns to be free, but do they really and how is freedom defined by those answering the question. We will examine this today and more.
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First let us acknowledge the places where we do tend to have more freedom

The Right to Bare Arms
Ability to Build a Business
To Practice or Abstain from Religion

Now let us define freedom

What is pure freedom
How do most people actually internally define freedom
Understanding the conflict

What real freedom means

You have no right to anything rightfully acquired by another person
No one should ever take away anything from anyone against their will
You are solely responsible for your own needs
You have no right to interfere with others actions unless they harm another
So do you really want freedom?

Proof that most people do not want freedom

Legislation of subjective morality
The most tyranny happens at low levels of government
Massive support for compulsory education
Over reaction to every tragedy
How people act when you say, “I am not going to vote”
Violent defense of the system they claim to hate
The absolute rejection of Ron Paul

Final thoughts

Resources for today’s show…

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Walking To Freedom – Support TSP When Shopping Online
Mamma’s Don’t Let Your Babies Grow up to be Cowboys – Waylon and Willie

Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.

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