Sunday Afternoon Mama

Sunday Afternoon Mama

Latest Episodes

Episode 100: A Special Announcement
October 01, 2019

Come say hi on Instagram or Facebook!

Episode 99: Beyond a 'Break'
September 24, 2019

In this episode, we’ll counter a popular cultural myth floating around right now, hear about a new favorite book of mine, and consider how to best spend our days.

Episode 98: Why the Long Face?!
September 17, 2019

In this episode, we’ll figure out practical ways to smile more and hear why it’s important from a kid’s perspective.

Episode 97: Breathing in Grace
September 10, 2019

In this episode, we’ll see how to curate what’s coming in, extend more grace (without becoming a doormat), and you’ll hear what silly thing my son said to me in exasperation one day.

Episode 96: Snails, Plates, and Pace
September 03, 2019

In this episode, we’ll consider trading in for a smaller plate (and explore what that means), gain wisdom for this school year, and you’ll hear about how a snail reminded me of an important reality…really!

Episode 95: Staying Selfless in a Self-Focused World
August 27, 2019

In this episode, we’ll wade through the muck of society’s enticing lies about life, hear some of my favorite end-of-summer things, and gain perspective on motherhood.

Episode 94: Widen Your Circle
August 20, 2019

In this episode, we’ll examine a trendy phrase and see what it really means, hear why your pet might introduce you to a new friend, and what happened to me at church that encouraged me in the area of friendly hellos.

Episode 93: Befriending the Friendless
August 13, 2019

In this episode, we’ll examine how to reach out to those who are different than us, hear why a simple summer is okay, and see why it’s helpful not to obsess over personality types!

Episode 92: Call Her Up!
August 06, 2019

In this episode, we’ll ease into a new theme for August, learn why it’s healthy to have at least one good friend, and find out what tadpole-filled adventure we had recently.

Episode 91: Try the Long Route
July 30, 2019

In this episode, well explore ways to slow things down (on purpose), glean insights from an authors attempt to learn stone masonry, and youll hear what sounds and smells say summer to me the most!