Story North

Story North

Latest Episodes

Story North - Episode 10: The One with the Agent
November 19, 2015

Dawn Frederick of Red Sofa Literary sits down with us and talks about what it is a literary agent does, and why she does it. She also gives us advice on which pitches sell, and which don't. (Hint: no memoirs, please.) Plus roller derby.

Story North - Episode 9: Our Favorite Martians!
November 05, 2015

Jeff and Jay talk Mars, including the Martian, The War of the Worlds, John Carter of Mars, the Twilight Zone, and the Martian Chronicles. How does Mars appear in literature and film? What does Mars mean to us? And if we can raise the money, Jeff would...

Story North - Episode 8: Baseball and Apple Pi
October 29, 2015

We bring on Brandon Warne, host of the Alive & Social podcast, "The Breakdown," to talk baseball writing. We discuss John Updike and George Vescey and how they stack up against Fire Joe Morgan and Baseball Prospectus. Has the internet changed how we...

Story North - Episode 7: Charismatic Megafauna
October 22, 2015

With guest co-host Emily Sohn we discuss the stories we tell ourselves about science and the environment, journalistic purity, and the release of the 2015 compilation of the Best American Science and Nature Writing. Plus hypnotism, drunkenness, and...

Story North - Episode 6: Out Loud
October 08, 2015

We talk author readings, their Dickensian origins, what makes them good, and our favorite readings we've seen. We pick the readings to see this fall season. Rain Taxi's Eric Lorberer visits to talk about the journal and the Twin Cities Book Festival.

Story North - Episode 5 : TV Dinner
October 01, 2015

Television. How we watch, what we watch. Is it High Art? And what's good and not good in the upcoming fall season? We get an official podcast dog and recommend shows you may not have seen before.

Story North - Episode 4: Don't Forget the Funny
September 24, 2015

With Julie Schumacher guest-hosting, we discuss literary humor in Nicholson Baker, George Saunders, and Jane Austen. Plus kittens.

Story North - Episode 3: Putting the "Grimm" Back into Fairy Tales
September 18, 2015

We discuss Jack Zipe’s new translation of the brothers Grimm, the Sasquatch Hunter’s Almanac, and the dark side of fairy tales in contemporary film. Plus an interview with author Sharma Shields.