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John 14:22-31 Jesus’ Peace
January 26, 2020

Would you like to receive email notifications when new Bible study posts are available? Click here to let us know! In this study, shared with the residents of Starr Regional Nursing Home in Etowah, TN on January 25, 2020: How Jesus manifests […]

2 Corinthians 11:02-04 A Different Jesus
January 24, 2020

Would you like to receive email notifications when new Bible study posts are available? Click here to let us know! This is a chapel message I shared with students and staff at Cross Creek Christian School in Sweetwater, TN on January 23, […]

Deuteronomy 05:17 & 19:1-13 God Values Life
January 20, 2020

Would you like to receive email notifications when new Bible study posts are available? Click here to let us know! In this study: Brief review of Roe v Wade and Norma McCorvey Introduction and overview of book of Deuteronomy Hebrew words for […]

Numbers 10-30 A Walk Through Numbers
January 06, 2020

Would you like to receive email notifications when new Bible study posts are available? Click here to let us know! An overview of the first 30 chapters of the book of Numbers, with an emphasis on passages that point us to Jesus […]

Numbers 1-9 In the Wilderness
December 02, 2019

Would you like to receive email notifications when new Bible study posts are available? Click here to let us know! In this study: Introduction to Numbers and it’s place in the Bible Preparing for freedom and for warfare God’s love for organization […]

Ephesians 6:1-9 Kids, Parents, Employees, Bosses
November 23, 2019

In this study: Some ways kids might honor their parents Some ways dads might generate anger unnecessarily Some ways to be a Christlike employee Some ways to be a Christlike boss Stay in the battle! Steve Please check out our YouTube Playlists:“Question...

1 Timothy 6:11-21 Staying in the Battle (Podcast)
July 07, 2019

In this study: The command to flee covetousness How staying in the battle is the evidence of salvation How the fight of the faith is “good” Staying alert to what is falsely called “knowledge” Stay in the battle!

1 Timothy 6:1-19 Have You Learned Contentment? (Podcast)
July 07, 2019

In this study: Slaves in the New Testament vs. slaves in antebellum America How our behavior toward the gracious authorities God has put in our lives affects our Christian testimony The danger of conflict based on false knowledge Gaining monetarily by ...

John 12:28-33 I will Draw All Men–Universalism? (Podcast)
June 23, 2019

In this study: Why the Father answered Jesus audibly Not all are able to hear His voice The Judgment that came upon Satan at the Cross What Jesus meant when He said that He would draw all men to Himself Evidence that the Bible does not teach universali...

1 Timothy 3:3-13 Pastors & Deacons–Part 2 (Podcast)
June 22, 2019

In this study (continued from previous podcast): Implications of more qualifications for pastors: “not violent but gentle,” “not quarrelsome,” “not a lover of money,” “managing his household well,” “not a recent convert,