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Latest Episodes

2 Thessalonians 02:01-04 The Antichrist (Part 2 of 2)
June 10, 2020

An overview of some of the things that the Bible teaches about the Antichrist. (Part 2) Stay in the battle! Steve

2 Thessalonians 02:01-04 The Antichrist (Part 1 of 2)
June 10, 2020

An overview of some of the things that the Bible teaches about the Antichrist. Stay in the battle! Steve

Proverbs 01:07 Marks of a Fool
June 08, 2020

“Fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7) Stay in the battle! Steve

Proverbs 01:01-08 Introduction to Proverbs
June 08, 2020

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7) Stay in the battle! Steve

Romans 06:13 Presenting to Whom? (Part 5)
June 02, 2020

This Bible study (available in both audio and video formats) is part 5 of a series of studies in Romans 6. Stay in the battle! Steve

Veritas 01 (Introduction to Veritas)
May 29, 2020

Stay in the battle! Steve

Romans 06:12 (Part 4) Therefore Do Not Let Sin Reign…
May 28, 2020

This is the fourth study in a series of studies from Romans 6. “Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey its lusts,” (Romans 6:12) Stay in the battle! Steve

Romans 06:01-11 (Part 3) Even So Consider Yourselves
May 22, 2020

(Watch or listen)How Romans 6:11… …Stops Christians from doubting their salvation when they commit sin. …Stops Christians from trusting their feelings …Stops Christians from feeling hopeless in the face of sin’s power …Helps Christians see how God’s pu...

Romans 06:01-11 (Part 2) We Died in Christ
May 22, 2020

(Listen or watch) In this all-important chapter of God’s Word, we learn how Christ died to sin and how we are united with Him. Stay in the battle! Steve

Romans 06:01-02 (Part 1) Understanding Sin–and Ourselves
May 04, 2020

(Available in audio and video formats.) Finding God’s straight and narrow path between the two ditches of antinomianism and legalism. Stay in the battle! Steve