Inner Work with Steli Efti

Inner Work with Steli Efti

107: The Unequal Equilibrium of Giving & Taking in Our Relationships

October 26, 2021

Apotomos is a Greek word that describes a person who always appears calm, keeps everything bottled up inside, and then at some point, when they can't take it anymore, they suddenly erupt like a vulcano in anger.
One of my brothers is that kind of person. Very giving, very generous, gladly sacrificing his time or energy. Until eventually he realizes that the other person is not so much appreciating all these sacrifices, but rather expects them, and typically is unwilling to do the same for him.
In this episode, I talk about this dynamic, unspoken expectations, what to do when we realize we're living out the same pattern in our relationships again and again, and that what a person learns is much more dependant on the student than the teacher.
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