State of Possible Podcast

Latest Episodes
2021 Biotech Outlook: Looking Back to Look Ahead
2020 was a rollercoaster year for the biopharma industry. It was also the year the entire industry changed; from a global response to a worldwide pandemic and an unprecedented effort around vaccine development,
The Unprecedented Nature of COVID-19 Vaccine Development & Distribution
The COVID-19 pandemic remains the number one health concern around the globe as we await approval of multiple vaccines. There are still many unanswered questions and challenges that lie ahead for the biopharma industry, health stakeholders,
How Biopharma & Providers Can Work Together to Address Health Inequities
COVID-19 has put a spotlight on health inequities in our country, with minority populations being impactd at a disproportionate rate. In this episode, host Bob Coughlin and his guests, Kate Walsh, President and CEO at Boston Medical Center and Chirfi G...
State of the Biopharma Industry
Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath, President & CEO of BIO, and John Maraganore, CEO of Alnylam, join Bob Coughlin, President & CEO of MassBio and a leading voice for the biotechnology industry, to discuss the biopharma industry’s response to COVID-19,
Trailer -State of Possible Podcast
The State of Possible is more than a catchy business slogan. Its both a vision and call to action from the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council. And now its also a podcast. The State of Possible Podc