
Latest Episodes
Are U Kranian? — Episode 8
Dan gives us the origin story of Ukraine and Russia in this deep dive on the history that most media likes to pretend doesnt exist. Pro-tip: History began before yesterday. Neema takes point on the m
Imperial Horse Dewormer – Episode 7
World Police, Afghanistan, Empires, Crusades, Drone Strikes, Inflation, Arming The Taliban MTV Cribs: Kabul. Some microphone issues, apologies.
Rubbing Your Nuts on DC — Episode 6
The Holiest of Holies for State Lickers gets a nice tea bagging from some virile Trump Humpers. Neemas homeschool curriculum using anime to explain USGOVs world empire and its politics proves more
I Ain’t Afraid of No Vote–Episode 5
Dan and Neema are back at it!The voting fantasies have been so thick and delusional this October they just couldn’t keep quiet
Episode 4 — Epstein Saga, Pt 1: Organized Crime, Sexual Blackmail and Robert Maxwell
In the Fourth Episode of Statebusters Daniel Coxon and Neema Vedadi dive deep into the background of the Jefferey Epstein story. Epstein did not build his operation from scratch. He was brought in o
Episode 3 – Garrett Foster and Escalating Tragedy
Protestor shot dead in horrific tragedy that hits close to home for Neema. We discuss the details including local insights you won’t hear from Culture Warriors. Dan shares his own on-the-ground experi
Episode 2 – Ameristroika
Neema and Dan discuss the Why and the What of Statebusters. Neema attempts to coin “Ameristroika” to describe a willful push towards ending central planning in America and letting the momentum carry u
Episode 1 – Equipment Test
When we finally chatted to test the mics our convo was so awesome we just kept recording. A bit too much reverb on Dans end but Were just calling it Episode 1 Equipment Test New mic strategy comin