Spiritual Intelligence Podcast

Spiritual Intelligence Podcast

SQP-Ep.006 ~ Connecting With Truth (w. Michael McDonald)

July 12, 2021

Welcome to the sixth episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Michael McDonald explore the intelligence that's on the other side of personal thinking helping us experience miracles and magic. They speak about the shift that occurs when "healing" happens regardless of the modality used. 

They redefine spirituality, with a reminder that the totality of Spirit is both formless and form. Michael concludes with an invitation to allow wonder of the seemingly mundane, in order to have a "more honest experience of reality."

For more information, contact details and a transcript of this episode, including the past life regression case study mentioned by Daniel: https://www.sqpodcast.com/ep006-michael-mcdonald