Sports Palooza Radio Show

Sports Palooza Radio Show

Sports Palooza Radio Show ~ Why should you give up on Football?

August 14, 2014

This week's SPORTS PALOOZA RADIO IS SPONSORED BY: Connie Allen, author of The Casino Through a Dealer's Eyes! After 16 years of being a professional blackjack dealer in a very popular casino, she retired and decided to share her firsthand knowledge in this book. Want to win at the slots, blackjack table or one of the other tables? 

Today's guests: 
Author Steve Almond: Why would a die-hard football fan suddenly give up on watching the game? He'll tell us why and why he wrote the book, "Against Football, One Fan's Reluctant Manifesto."

Author David Fanucchi: This Olympic team became an inspiration. Find out exactly what happened when author David Fanucchi stops by to talk about his book, "Miracle on Grass," Tommy LaSorda and the Olympic Gold! 

Artist Rob Schamberger: What is he doing at the WWE's SummerSlam this Sunday night? And what does "Stone Cold" Steve Austin have to say about it? He'll tell us today!

ePolicy Institute's Nancy Flynn: When Nancy Flynn of the ePolicy Institute stops by, you never know who she's going to talk about. Find out whose sports social media campaign gets her thumbs UP or thumbs down!