South Hills Church Kennewick Wa
Latest Episodes
How Does Jesus Deal with People who Fail?
With Jesus, your past failure does not have to be your future legacy.
How does Jesus Deal with People who Doubt?
Jesus is not threatened by our doubts. The testimony of His works and His words are given to us so that we may move from unbelief to belief. When we believe we can have life in His name!
Jesus - The Risen One
The resurrection of Jesus is the good news that death was defeated and eternal life is ours through Him.
Jesus' Arrest & Pilate's Trial
Jesus will always demand a decision to trust Him, and to respond to His voice over the contrary voices of others in our life.
Jesus' Arrest & Peter's Trial
Even when Jesus was arrested, He was still in control. Peter’s response reveals the futility and pain of trying to take control rather than following Jesus’ lead.
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
The coming of the Holy Spirit brings hope for the world and is a guide for the Church.
Connected to Christ
True disciples of Jesus will bear fruit through their love and obedience to the Word of God.
When Life Turns Upside Down
We can have direction and peace in all circumstances because of the work of Jesus who helps us know the Father, and by the support of the Holy Spirit.