Lisa Page
Women’s Anger – The TRUTH Revealed!
In this video we get real about the source of anger for most women in relationship.
I also share with you a way to explore the power and wisdom that is often hidden underneath your anger, so that you can transform destructive anger into an authentic expression of how you truly feel, in a way that brings you closer together, rather than pushing your man away.
So tell me…
How often do you feel angry in relationship? And how does it show up for you?
Are you a volcano that explodes out of nowhere?
Is it bitchy, whiny nagging anger?
Is it controlling anger? Or maybe passive aggressive anger?
Getting real with your anger is essential if you want to:
Stop freaking your man out, or pushing him away
Feel free to express how you really feel without worrying that you’ll be destructive
Tap into the wisdom and power that lies beneath
Have a healthy and fulfilling relationship without the power struggles.
So, let’s take an honest look at what anger looks like for YOU in relationship at the moment.
Breath with this thought for a moment…
When you dive into the truth about your anger, you empower yourself like never before!
There are essentially 2 reasons why women get angry in relationship.
Number One: Your man is being a jerk, or is in some way completely out of integrity. That’s when you just want to cut his head off, scratch his eyes out….Tell him like it is. (ringing any belles!?)
Number Two: He’s hurt you, but you didn’t express the hurt you feel in the moment. This then quickly morphs into anger, resentment, frustration and so on.
There are many reason you might not express your hurt. Maybe you are so numb to how you feel these days that you didn’t even realize you felt hurt. Maybe you were told not to cry as a young girl, or not to be ‘silly’….
(I can’t tell you how many women I’ve worked with who have said to me ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying. I’m just being silly’…when they’ve cried in a coaching session or a workshop.
It’s genuinely alarming!
Who told you not to cry? When will you stop taking their poor advice?!
When will YOU be OK to feel and express fully your hurt, and any other feelings that come up?
Now’s the time honey! Truly. Now’s the time.
Let’s look at what most women do when they cry and see if you can relate:
Close their eyes
Cover their face with hands
Clamp breathe down
Try to breathe about (a LOT) to stop the sobs and stem the tears
Wipe away the tears
Turn away
They try to hide that they’re crying.
Here’s the truth about hurt.
It takes real courage and vulnerability to allow the tears to fall, to hold your man’s gaze, to NOT turn away…to express how you feel. It’s a risk.
And you might need some practice.
But the rewards are sooo worth it.
When you express how you really feel with an open heart, your man will naturally feel drawn to you.
In fact, when you express how you really feel with an open heart, you’re actually INVITING him in. Into your feminine fullness. Into your heart.
I mean that’s what you really want right?
You want to feel your man’s deepest presence. You want him to really BE with you, and with how you feel.
So you’ve got to learn how to express how you feel as an INVITATION, otherwise you’ll end up pushing him away.
So let’s get practical.
If it’s difficult for you to express hurt openly, then start with the mirror.
Don’t groan. Just do it.
I promise the rewards are profound, for you and your relationship.
Take some quiet time with a mirror. Feel a place of hurt within you.