SOS Dadas
Latest Episodes
Episode 4: The Divine Lover
The Dadas share about their love languages and how these languages manifest themselves. We dig in further as to how God loves and how we can love Him back.
Episode 3: What is Love?
We've sang about it, we've danced to the tune of it, we've cried over it, while many have died with this age old question still left unanswered...what is Love? In this two part series, over multiple sips of tea, We get real personal about far more deeper
Episode 2 : God's plan for your life
We spend every single day, hour, minute and moments of our lives planning. We plan what we will wear, what we will eat, what we will do, where we will go and most times truth be told we plan while worrying a lot. In this podcast, The Dadas share their exp
Episode 1: Meet the Dadas & Reflections
This podcast focuses on getting to know each of the SOS dadas; what they do for a living, their marital status and they fun things they've done. You'll also get to get a glimpse of what 2018 was like for each one of them as they reflect on the past 12 mon