SOS Dadas

SOS Dadas

Latest Episodes

Episode 14: Healthy Relationships Part 2
July 16, 2019

Boundaries help us maintain healthy relationships. Some of us define boundaries by avoiding each other thus effecting the ostrich way. Listen to know more about the ostrich way and better ways to handle boundaries in relationships.

Episode 13: Healthy Relationships Part 1
July 03, 2019

In our day to day interactions we cannot avoid relating with one other. This can be in the form of family, friends and even workmates. How do ensure that our interactions with one another is an enjoyable experience?

Episode 12: Unpacking Singlehood Part 2
June 19, 2019

This is part 2 of unpacking singlehood podcast. The dadas share on how they are living, enjoying and striving to thrive in their singlehood as God has ordained each season in our lives for a reason. It gives assurance on God's forgiveness and love despit

Episode 11: Unpacking Singlehood Part 1
June 05, 2019

This podcast will unpack singlehood with a breath of fresh air as a blessing from God as opposed to a punishment that pushes people to living miserably in their singlehood or becoming desperate as they wait for the next big thing "marriage" with baited br

Episode 10: Living A Healthy Lifestyle Part 2
May 27, 2019

In this podcast we go deeper into the topic of healthy living, given personal experiences of our individual journeys to living healthy, happy and free. As well as our struggles with Body image, Mental Health and healing Gods way.

Episode 9: Living A Healthy Lifestyle Part 1
May 16, 2019

Living a healthy Lifestyle doesn't just mean hours of training at the Gym and eating tasteless salad leaves. It’s about making easy to manage healthy choices in your day to day living. In this two part series, we start off with an overview of the external

Episode 8: Money Matters Part 2
April 17, 2019

Money will always matter because it is a means for us meeting our needs and wants. In this two part series, we get to hear the Dadas's view on money, the dumbest things they have spent money on and also how their financial situations has changed since the

Episode 7 : Money Matters Part 1
April 03, 2019

Money will always matter because it is a means for us meeting our needs and wants. In this two part series, we get to hear the Dadas's view on money, the dumbest things they have spent money on and also how their financial situations has changed since the

Episode 6: Myths Faced by the 21st Century Woman- Part 2
March 20, 2019

This podcast is Part 2 of a series that delves into various myths that have been told by society over and over to women till they have appeared like the gospel truth. The dadas will share their experiences on some of these myths and how they have confron

Episode 5: Myths faced by the 21st Century Woman - Part 1
March 06, 2019

This podcast delves into various myths that have been told by society over and over to women till they've been perceived like the gospel truth. The dadas will share their experiences on some of these myths and how they have confronted them in their lives