Latest Episodes
204 Two Different Property Investing Styles
While this is very much how property investors invest in the USA, we can still learn lots on the two different styles of property investi...
203 - Buying Medical Marijuana Shares
I talk with my good friends Mark Bigland (PHD guy) & Amy Kell (Pharmacist) about all things medical marijuana and how it all works....
202 - Protip Dasgupta And Marathons
I talk with my good friend Pro about a range of things from cold sweats to your "go-to refuge". PLUS - how to set rhythm and ...
201 - Talking Law & Order With Tara Lucke
Talking all things law & order with the coolest lawyer on the east coast! Tara is location independent and can be found on insta @tar...
Volume 1 - Episode 6, Chris Browning
This episode is really fun, maybe one of my favourites. We talk about random stuff and the first time I talk about marijuana in on a money s...
Volume 1 - Episode 5, Allea Grummert
Glen chats to Allea about millennial money matters. He even learns a few things himself!...
Volume 1 - Episode 4, Emily Guy Birken
Glen chat's with 5 times best selling author, Emily Guy Birken about all things personal finance. But there is a twist! We are talking out o...
Volume 1 - Episode 3, Dr Barbara O'Neil
Dr Barbara O'Neil discussed the links between health and wealth in this fascinating episode....
Volume 1 - Episode 2, Ashley Jacobs
Ashley shares her story on starting a small business on the side....