Somewhat Scholarly

Somewhat Scholarly

Latest Episodes

012 – Should You Care About Bitcoin?
May 08, 2020

LIVE Bitcoin Q&A on Saturday, May 9th, 2020 at 11:00am Eastern Daylight Time: Open to everyone! And of course, it's FREE! If you can't attend live, send your questions in advance to: SomewhatScholarly@gmail.

011 – Happy Cinco de Mayo
May 07, 2020

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Or as the Mexicans call it, "Battle of Puebla Day" or "Battle of Cinco de Mayo." Enjoy some mariachi and tales of travel in a land that doesn't really celebrate its own holiday (it's all relative).

010 – What Can You Control?
May 04, 2020

LIVE Bitcoin Q&A on Saturday, May 9th, 2020 at 11:00am Eastern Daylight Time: Open to everyone! And of course, it's FREE! Search for "Somewhat Scholarly" on YouTube, or click this link: What Can You Control? The simple answer is: your time,

009 – What a Wonderful World
May 03, 2020

Today is a good day to pause, reflect, and re-center yourself. I recommend you take the time that you had planned to listen to a podcast to instead mediate in silence, and express gratitude for everything in your life.

008 – What Makes Bitcoin So Special?
May 02, 2020

LIVE Bitcoin Q&A on Saturday, May 9th, 2020 at 11:00am Eastern Daylight Time: Open to everyone! And of course, it's FREE! Search for "Somewhat Scholarly" on YouTube, or click this link: Bitcoin is an open, borderless, decentralized,

007 – License to Kill
May 01, 2020

James Bond has a license to kill, and modern banks have a license to steal. Yes, even that kind, friendly, well-dressed loan advisor at the bank who's helping you qualify for your first home loan (or car loan,

006 – Can You Print Prosperity?
April 23, 2020

It's a simple question, really: Can you print prosperity? If yes, then let's print copious amounts of prosperity for everyone!!! If no, then what are the consequences of the massive "economic stimulus" that the government and central bank are unleashin...

005 – The End of Fractional Reserve Banking
April 21, 2020

On March 15, 2020, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors announced that the policy of fractional reserve banking would no longer continue as of March 26, 2020 (a day that will live in infamy); as o

004 – w/Emily Truesdell
March 15, 2020

Emily Truesdell is a horse trainer, equine massage therapist, and freelance copyrighter. You can follow her equine journey on Instagram @buddy_gets_a_makeover If youd like to send Emily an email, ple

003 – w/Ryan Fay
March 03, 2020

Ryan Fay is the #1 funniest standup comic in Buffalo (and #837,191 worldwide). You can find him on Instagram @RyanFayComedy World-Wide Organization of Organic Farmers (WWOOF):