So it's a show?: keeping up with the Gilmore Girls

So it's a show?: keeping up with the Gilmore Girls

ep 94: Hey, good timing, Squiggy (Laverne & Shirley) (with our moms!)

January 22, 2021

Season 5, baby! And the only way to celebrate this big milestone is by inviting our moms back to celebrate with us! We ask them about their memories of the ‘70s sitcom Laverne & Shirley, why they loved the show, and what TV shows do differently today. Also, who is more like Laverne and who is more like Shirley? Does Sookie have anything in common with Laverne and Shirley’s neighbor Squiggy? And should we be drinking milk with Pepsi? Find out as we kick off the fifth season of Gilmore Girls!

Other pop culture we ref: Happy Days, Mary Tyler Moore, Angela Lansbury, The Preacher’s Wife, A League of Their Own, Big, Mork and Mindy, Ariana Grande, WandaVision, Frasier, M*A*S*H, Runaway Bride

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