So it's a show?: keeping up with the Gilmore Girls

So it's a show?: keeping up with the Gilmore Girls

ep 73: I'm Mommie Dearest!

February 21, 2020

“NO. WIRE. HAAAANGGEERRS! EVER!” —Joan Crawford, not Sookie St. James

Sookie is having a motherhood crisis, but spoiler alert: It’s not nearly as traumatic as the pop culture she’s referencing. We go back to the 1981 camp classic Mommie Dearest, aka the story of the abusive Hollywood mother Joan Crawford. This movie is the kind that won a lot of awards a movie doesn’t want to win, and it’s the kind that made us grateful for our own parents. Now, for reasons that are well-known to you, we’re not leaving you any more info in this description—just go ahead and listen to the latest episode with Kyla Dearest and Taylor Dearest already!

Other pop culture we ref: Valley of the Dolls, The Graduate, Judy Garland, MGM, the Razzies, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Bette Davis, The Act

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