So it's a show?: keeping up with the Gilmore Girls
ep 29: Forget it, Jake, it's Chinatown
Forget it, Lorelai—it’s the Cheshire Cat.
What does Lorelai need to forget? And why does she need to forget it? Your private detectives Kyla and Taylor are on the case! We look into the movie Chinatown, its references in Gilmore Girls ep 204 (and beyond), and what it means as a symbol for both the movie and the series. We also cover its super creepy director and the true story that inspired the movie.
You’re the Best/You’re the Worst: The best and worst reasons someone could, “Forget it—it’s Stars Hollow.”
Other pop culture we ref: Citizen Kane, The Oscars, #MeToo, #TimesUp, Valley of the Dolls, The Tragedy of Oedipus Rex, The Pianist, Blade Runner 2049, Gaslight, Law & Order, Jeopardy!, Across the Universe