Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

Latest Episodes

Dr. Laura Juliano Discusses The Ups and Downs of Caffeine
January 17, 2014

Optimize Your Brain With The Latest Breakthroughs In Neuroscience

Dr. Terry Wahls’ Functional-Medicine Diet: The Wahls Protocol
January 17, 2014

Dr. Wahls discusses her personal story of recovery from multiple sclerosis, her new book The Wahls Protocol, and the day-to-day choices that can extend your life, maximize your health and fend off the most common degenerative neurological diseases.

SDS 027 : Dr. Terry Wahls Discusses the Wahls Protocol
January 17, 2014

Optimize Your Brain With The Latest Breakthroughs In Neuroscience

SDS 027 : Dr. Terry Wahls Discusses the Wahls Protocol
January 16, 2014

Optimize Your Brain With The Latest Breakthroughs In Neuroscience

Dr. Laura Juliano Discusses Caffeine
January 09, 2014

In episode #26, Dr. Juliano speaks with Jesse about the nuances, dangers and benefits of caffeine – the world's most popular and readily-available cognition-enhancing drug.

SDS 026 : Dr. Laura Juliano Discusses Caffeine
January 09, 2014

Optimize Your Brain With The Latest Breakthroughs In Neuroscience

SDS 025 : Dr. J. Lucas Koberda and LORETA Neurofeedback
December 27, 2013

Optimize Your Brain With The Latest Breakthroughs In Neuroscience

Dr. J. Lucas Koberda and LORETA Neurofeedback
December 27, 2013

Dr. Dr. J. Lucas Koberda discusses the applications and benefits of LORETA Neurofeedback in brain disorders, sports and cognitive optimization.

Dr. Gomez-Pinilla and the Impact of Diet and Exercise on Cognition
December 18, 2013

Dr. Gomez-Pinilla's research is to investigate neuronal adaptation to environmental factors like diet -- and how this scales up to the whole-organism level.

Dr. Felipe Fregni and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
December 06, 2013

Dr. Felipe Fregni, the director of the Laboratory of Neuromodulation and Center of Clinical Research Training, talks about his research into the use and benefits of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS).