Sky Daddy Radio

Sky Daddy Radio

Latest Episodes

Episode #009 Moon Landing
September 13, 2019

9 Things You Should Know About the Communion Service on the Moon: Apollo 11: Apollo 8 Genesis Reading: ht.

#008 Prayer
July 15, 2019

Notes:   Matthew 6:9-13 KJV - - Bible Gateway   Andrew's Blog: Jon's Blog:   Music: You Are Joy by Risen: https://www.

#007 Abortion and Abolitionism
June 24, 2019

The Doctrine of Abolitionism: Jason Garwood's Blog:   Andrew's Blog: Jon's Blog:   Music: You Are Joy by Risen:

#006 Why is the Church Ineffective?
June 17, 2019

This episode Andrew and Jon ask the question, "Why is the Church ineffective?" Then we try to answer it.   Links: Why Francis Chan Left His Megachurch: Why Francis Chan Left His Megachurch 6 Ways the Bible Tells Us What Church Should Look Like: https://w.

#005 What is the Gospel - Pastor's Discussion
May 30, 2019

Andrew and Jon discuss the gospel and how we should apply it today.   Articles Discussed: What is the gospel?: What is the gospel of Jesus Christ?:

#004 The Gospel: A Laymen's Perspective
May 27, 2019

This episode Jon is on hiatus. So Andrew's good friend Joshua Vermett joins Andy as They discuss the gospel of Jesus Christ.   Books mentioned in the podcast:   What Is the Gospel?:

#003 Biblical Inerrancy
May 06, 2019

This show we discuss biblical inerrancy, what it is, and how we should consider the Bible as the authority for faith and life.  Why I Don’t Hate the Word ‘Inerrancy’: Why Bibl.

#002 Easter Attacks
April 30, 2019

Today we talk about the attacks that happened on Easter Sunday. Attacks in Sri Lanka kill hundreds on Easter Sunday: ISIS claims Sri Lanka bombings:

#001 Norte Dame Fire
April 22, 2019

In this episode Andrew and Jon discuss the Norte Dame de Paris fire and their thoughts and feelings when they first saw the flames on social media.  Links to articles mentioned in the episode: Why We Were Undone by the Notre-Dame Fire: https://www.thegos.

April 16, 2019

Introduction of Andrew and Jon Terry, brothers from the same mother.  Andrew's Blog: Jon's Blog:   Note: This was our first podcast where we thought we'd be named The Nitty Gritty Podcast. But, someb...