Skilled in the Art

Latest Episodes
Professor Calboli – BF – 009
Last time we got to know Professor Calboli, now let's take some time to learn about what she does.
Professor Calboli – BC – 008
Get to know Professor Calboli in this business casual episode of Skilled in the Art.
Professor Vishnubhakat – Allergan – 007
Professor Vishnubhakat sits down with the IPA podcast to discuss an Allergan patent being given to a Native American Tribe.
Megan Carpenter BC 006
Professor Carpenter joins IPA for our Business Casual Series. We find out where she grew up, what she did before she became a professor, and what's next. Preston Morgan hosts.
Megan Carpenter BF 005
Professor Megan Carpenter joins IPA for part of our Business Formal series. Professor Carpenter teaches a wide range of IP class at Texas A&M and has recently been named Dean of New Hampshire University School of Law. In this episode,
Saurabh Vishnubhakat BF 004
Professor Saurabh Vishnubhakat joins IPA for part of our Business Formal series. Professor Vishnubhakat teaches Patents, Remedies, and Civil Procedure. In this episode, we dive into the many administrative questions surrounding the USPTO.
Saurabh Vishnubhakat BC 003
Professor Saurabh Vishnubhakat joins IPA for part of our Business Casual series. Professor Vishnubhakat teaches Patents, Remedies, and Civil Procedure. In this episode, we explore his path to becoming a professor and the things he learned along the way...
Sri Ragavan BF 002
In this episode of Skilled in the Art, Sri Ragavan joins us as part of the Business Formal series. She discusses patents and pharmaceuticals while observing their impact on a global level. Preston Morgan hosts.
Sri Ragavan BC 001
Sri Ragavan joins IPA for this Business Casual episode. A professor at Texas A&M University School of Law, she focuses on patents and pharmaceuticals. We find out the path she took to get here and how her students can do well in her class.