Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda

Latest Episodes

Whatever you do – offer it to God
May 28, 2012

Swami Sivananda instructs: Whatever you do, feel that you are doing God's work. Short instructions with short song. Historical Recording with the Master's own voice. Copyright The Divine Life Society

Hari Bol – Instructional Song with Swami Sivananda
April 28, 2012

Swami Sivananda guides Kirtan Hari Bol, with Hindi instrucions. Narayan. Historical Recording with the Master's own voice. Copyright The Divine Life Society

Advice how to be a good Lawyer
March 28, 2012

Swami Sivananda asks a child what he wants to become. The child wants to become a judge. Swami Sivananda tells him that he will have to become a lawyer first - but should not lie in doing so. Historical Recording with the Master's own voice. Copyright T

Serve Human Beings – Serve God
February 28, 2012

Swami Sivananda asks a boy what he wants to become. The boy wants to become a medical doctor. Swami Sivananda advices him that becoming a doctor means he can serve mankind. Serving others means serving God. Historical Recording with the Master's own voic

Song of Blessings – with Swami Sivananda
December 28, 2011

Short Song of Blessings of Swami Sivananda. Historical Recording with the Master's own voice. Copyright The Divine Life Society

Graduation Blessing with Swami Sivananda
November 28, 2011

A few sentences of original Voice of Swami Sivananda. Historical Recording, probably of the 1950s. Copyright The Divine Life Society  

About Swami Sivananda – Historical Audio Recording
September 16, 2011

Historical Recording about the Life of Swami Sivananda, probably from the 1950s.

Soham – I am the Supreme Self
August 19, 2011

Swami Sivananda chants the Kirtan “Bhaja Radhe Krishna – Soham”. He gives short instructions on realizing the Supreme Self.

The State of Turiya – Sahaja Avastha – Vedanta Talk by Swami Sivananda
August 15, 2011

Swami Sivananda talks about the highest development of a sage: Self Realization, Turiya, Sahaja Avastha. A short Vedanta talk. Historical Recording with the Master’s own voice. Copyright The Divine Life Society

The 7 states of Knowlege – Vedanta Talk by Swami Sivananda
July 15, 2011

Swami Sivananda talks about the 7 states of Knowledge – the 7 Vedanta Steps to Illumination. Historical Recording with the Master’s own voice. Copyright The Divine Life Society