Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda

Latest Episodes

Swami Sivananda Talks about Pranayama
August 01, 2013

In this short audio file, Swami Sivananda gives instructions on how to do the simplest pranayama, anuloma viloma with no retention. If you do this 3 times in the morning you will have good sleep, good concentration, and never be angry.        

Ram Kirtan
August 01, 2013

In this Ram kirtan, Swami Sivananda sings the divine name of Ram, an avatara of Lord Vishnu, and whose incarnation represented the embodiment of the perfect man, able to live a life of dharma even though he had many trials to overcome. Historical recordi

Attributes of Brahman
July 26, 2013

          Part short lecture, part inspiring kirtan, Swami Sivananda describes the attributes of Brahman. These attributes describe qualities that the finite mind can understand, while the true nature of Brahman cannot be understood by our limit

Isavasya Upanishad
July 20, 2013

                    Swami Sivananda speaks a little about the Isavasya Upanishad, one of the revealed Vedic scriptures which talks about the nature of Brahman and the ultimate reality. This is a historical recording of Swami Sivananda,

Song of Prem Kirtan
July 19, 2013

      Listen to the wonderful bhakti as Swami Sivananda sings this song of prem, or divine love. This is a historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. More information on Swami Sivananda can

Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram - Chanting with Swami Sivananda
July 12, 2013

Swami Sivananda Chants Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram - Historical Recording. Copyright the Divine Life Society

Service of Guests is Serve of God – Swami Sivananda
September 28, 2012

Swami Sivananda instructs an Ashram Inmate to take care of guests. Service of guests is service of God. Swami Sivananda was especially keen on this kind of service. Historical Recording with Gurudev's own voice. Copyright The Divine Life Society

Instructional Song by Swami Sivananda
August 28, 2012

Swami Sivananda leads an instructional Song with Children. And gives a short talk to the children. Historical Recording with the Gurudev's own voice. Copyright The Divine Life Society

Swami Sivananda instructs about God
July 28, 2012

Swami Sivananda instructs a child about God: He sees without eyes, he hears without ears: He sees through eyes of all beings, he hears through the ears of all beings. Remember him, worshop him. Historical Recording with the Gurudev's own voice. Copyrigh

Help and Serve
June 28, 2012

All work is Divine. There is no better or worse Service. These are a few instructional words of Swami Sivananda to a child having an english education. Historical Recording with the Master's own voice. Copyright The Divine Life Society   Â