Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda

Latest Episodes

Instructions about God
September 05, 2013

Who sees without eyes? Who hears without ears? Who tastes without a tongue? Find out the answer in this short dialogue between Swami Sivananda and some children. Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of mode

Song of a Karma Yogi
September 05, 2013

In this Song of a Karma Yogi, Swami Sivananda sings about how to be a real karma yogi: Dissolve egosim, have equal vision and balance of mind, perform selfless works to purify your heart, and then you will get knowledge of the Self. Narayan, Narayan, Nar

Real Fetters
August 29, 2013

In this lecture via chant to the melody of Jaya Ganesha, Swami Sivananda lists fetters, or things that bind or chain you to this life. He makes the point over and over again that it is not the things, but the desires, that are the real fetters. Know this

Hare Rama Mantra
August 29, 2013

Listen as Swami Sivananda sings the Maha Mantra - Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. A very powerful Bhakti mantra. Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga mas

The Bhagavad Gita
August 22, 2013

Swami Sivananda gives a brief synopsis of the Bhagavad Gita, the 18 chapter discourse between Arjuna and Lord Krishna. He describes the mental anguish of Arjuna and Lord Krishna's reply. Swami Sivananda also mentions the importance of training the mind an

Swami Sivananda Chants
August 22, 2013

Swami Sivananda sings a bhajan full of Bhakti (devotion) and Prem (Divine love). Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda: http://www.sivanandaonline.org,

Song of Bliss - Anandoham
August 15, 2013

Anandoham Anandoham Anandambram Anandam. I Am Bliss. In this exceptional recording, Swami Sivananda sings Anandoham, the song of Bliss. The recording is full of prana (energy) and Bhakti (devotion) which you can feel. Historical recording of Swami Sivan

How to do Family Puja
August 15, 2013

Swami Sivananda tells us a little bit about how to do a family puja, a powerful Bhakti yoga practice to worship the divine, and raise the energy level in your home and family.         Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the

Children Sing Kirtan for Swami Sivananda
August 08, 2013

In this recording you can hear Swami Sivananda encouraging children to sing kirtan for him, and they respond by singing Om Namah Sivaya with variations. Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India.

What Kind of Meditation Are You Doing?
August 08, 2013

Swami Sivananda asks the question, "What kind of meditation are you doing?", and then goes on to explain that it must be done with correct understanding and a proper mental attitude. He talks about the 'Soham' mantra, which means "I am He" and signifies