Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Learn, Liken, and Lift with Carrie

Ep 56: They Shall Not Be Ashamed

April 08, 2019

2 Nephi 6-7


Isaiah is back!!! and with the fantastic teaching of Jacob, the younger brother of Nephi, we can easily grasp the teachings that the great prophet desires us to understand.

We are taught that those who wait upon the Lord will shall not be ashamed. He will set up His standard and His people will accept it and wait upon Him. Listen and discover what "the Lord's standard" is and add many more reason to your growing list of WHY you need not be ashamed to be one of His children.


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Check out this week's Ponder Prompt at https://sisterscriptorians.com/download/episode-56-they-shall-not-be-ashamed/