Sidepodcast - All for F1 and F1 for All

Sidepodcast - All for F1 and F1 for All

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F1 Advent Calendar 2010 - Day Ten
December 09, 2010

Hello, you're listening to Sidepodcast and this is the F1 Advent Calendar 2010 - we're on Day 10 - double figures! Each day we are reviewing a key moment in the season just gone. So far we've had comebacks and disappointments, we've featured communication

F1 Advent Calendar 2010 - Day Nine
December 09, 2010

Hello and welcome to Day 9 of the F1 Advent Calendar 2010, brought to you by Sidepodcast. We're about a third of the way through the series now, and have recapped a couple of the races of the year so far. It must be about time we moved onwards to Malaysia

F1 Advent Calendar 2010 - Day Eight
December 07, 2010

This is the Sidepodcast F1 Advent Calender 2010 and we have reached Day 8. We're recapping the season one three minute show at a time, picking out the important events that shaped the year. Today, we have reached Australia - Day 8, Rain Dance.

F1 Advent Calendar 2010 - Day Seven
December 06, 2010

Hello and welcome to the Sidepodcast F1 Advent Calendar 2010. This is Day 7. So far in this extended season review miniseries, we have got as far as the first race in Bahrain, and talked the debut winner, and the debut teams. Now we're focusing on someone

F1 Advent Calendar 2010 - Day Six
December 05, 2010

This is Day 6 of our F1 Advent Calendar 2010. Welcome! We're reviewing the season in these short mini-series style podcasts, with each episode featuring a key moment from the year that was F1 2010. Today we’re onto Day 6 - Troublesome Trio.

F1 Advent Calendar 2010 - Day Five
December 04, 2010

Hello and welcome to the F1 Advent Calendar 2010, an extended mini series from Sidepodcast. This is our season review - twenty-five short shows recapping all the major events from the year gone by. Now we are starting the season proper, Day 5 - Ferrari Fi

Sidepodchat - I'm Not Saying They're Champions, I'm Just Saying They're There
December 03, 2010

It's been a good six months since we debuted this feature - a roundtable Sidepodchat with members of the community pondering a topic for ten minutes only. This time, the discussion focuses in on Renault, and their effect on the grid around them.

F1 Advent Calendar 2010 - Day Four
December 03, 2010

This is the F1 Advent Calendar 2010, brought to you by Sidepodcast. We're reviewing the season gone by with a short show each and every day leading up to Christmas, and you've joined me on Day 4. We’re going back to the track today - Twitter Testing.

F1 Advent Calendar 2010 - Day Three
December 02, 2010

Hello and welcome to the third day of Sidepodcast's F1 Advent Calendar 2010. We are a few days in to our season review - a short show each day of December until Christmas, recapping the important events that shaped the season just gone. This is Day 3 - A

F1 Advent Calendar 2010 - Day Two
December 01, 2010

Welcome to Day 2 of the F1 Advent Calendar 2010, brought to you by Sidepodcast. We're counting down to that festive day with a review of the season just gone, and each day there's another key moment of the year to be examined. Today - US Not So F1.