She Who Overcomes™ Podcast

She Who Overcomes™ Podcast

49: A New Normal and Tough Love {Leadership University Coaching Audio}

April 20, 2020

It’s natural to want to avoid your feelings and the reality of your situation when things happen that are out of our control. However, leaders don’t stay there. They recognize that they don’t have the luxury of hiding in fear because people are counting on them. Rise UP today, dear one. People need you.⠀

Today’s episode is a look inside the tough love we’ve been known to give to our monthly coaching students in our Leadership University Program. Need help rising up right now? Listen to this and then join us in leadership university at

Grab your coffee and let’s rise up!

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* Join Mandy and Raychel every Monday night for their FREE Monday Night Pep Talk Call! Register for the details at* Order Mandy’s book, She Who Overcomes: Rising Out of the Ashes of Your Circumstances, on Amazon!* Work with Mandy every month in the Leadership University by RAYMA Team. Details at* Hire Mandy B. Anderson to speak at your next event! Get the conversation started at