Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

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Second Date Update: Imperfect 10
March 27, 2023

The guy in today’s Second Date said he used one perfect GIF to instantly stand out and it got him a date with a woman WAY out of his league… He’s gonna share his secrets in the podcast!See for privacy information.

Second Date Update: How Dare You Heart Me
March 24, 2023

One of our listeners says he got a singular one-word text that let him know he BADLY screwed up his first date. Youll hear what it said in the podcast!See for privacy information.

Second Date Update: Chefzoned
March 22, 2023

One of our listeners says he has a TALENT more attractive than 90% of guys, and he got a chance to show it off on his date. Was it too much for her to handle?

Second Date Update: Disorder In The Court
March 20, 2023

Today’s Second Date has 3 things: Judges… Juries… and a whole lot of relationship TAMPERING courtesy of us!

Second Date Update: Nathan of the Night
March 17, 2023

The entire show was very surprised by how today’s Second Date finished. And we think all our listeners will agree… it was Brooke’s fault. Hear it for yourself in the podcast!

Second Date Update UPDATE: Middle School Melee
March 16, 2023

A little while back we had a guy on the show whose mother was meddling in his love life. It led to an awkward but hilarious date night with a special lady and now we have an UPDATE on what’s happened since.

Second Date Update: Driving Me Bonkers
March 15, 2023

Matt never learned to drive, and Lilly took the chance to TEACH him on their very first date. She thinks that’s the reason he’s avoiding her now, but we’ll find out for sure in a new Second Date!

Second Date Update: Forbidden Love
March 13, 2023

One of our listeners contacted us saying he risked one of his closest friendships in order to KISS someone he’s been pining after for a long time. Was it worth it?

Second Date Update: Baggage Claim
March 10, 2023

There’s something so forbidden and magical about making a romantic connection with someone your age at an airport. It happened to one of our listeners and now we’re doing an intercontinental Second Date!

Second Date Update: In The Air Up There
March 08, 2023

One of our listeners is worried he’s not getting a call back because he was TOO CHEAP. Is being a penny pincher smart or a bad look?