Searching For It
Latest Episodes
E24 Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
"Even if there was nothing, you still wouldn't be satisfied!"
E23 GUEST: Sam Rickless on Philosophy and the Meaning of Life
The meaning of life, meaningful lives - what does it all mean?
E22 Wolf: Meaningful Lives in a World Devoid of Meaning
A fresh take on an ancient question
E20 The Philosophy of Time Travel
Causal loops, the grandfather paradox, closed timelike curves, and much more!
E19 GUEST: Peter Singer on Morality, Meaning, and Cancel Culture
A special guest appearance from "the most influential ethicist alive"
E17 The Fermi Paradox
"The only thing that scares me more than aliens is the idea that there aren't any aliens"
E16 Why We Are Living Inside a Simulation and Why We Should Care
The blue pill or the red pill?