Seagate Church

Seagate Church

Latest Episodes

Exodus : The 10 Commandments
February 25, 2018

The 10 Commandments Exodus 20

Genesis 5 – Hope & Despair
February 25, 2018

Genesis 5 Hope & Despair

Exodus : A Holy & Fearful God
February 19, 2018

A Holy & Fearful God Exodus 19

CAP Sunday
February 18, 2018

CAP Sunday Richard McMinn

Exodus : Wise Advice
February 11, 2018

Wise Advice Exodus 18

Psalm 42 & 43
February 11, 2018

Psalm 42-43

Exodus : The God Who Fights For His People
February 04, 2018

The God Who Fights for His People Exodus 17

Genesis 4
February 04, 2018

Genesis 4

Genesis 3
January 28, 2018

Genesis 3

Alan Park – Hebrews 10
January 21, 2018

Hebrews 10 v 35-39