Seagate Church

Seagate Church

Latest Episodes

Exodus : God’s covenant with His chosen people
April 08, 2018

God’s covenant with His chosen people

Rahab And The Spies
April 08, 2018

The post Rahab And The Spies appeared first on Seagate Church Troon.

Easter Sunday
April 01, 2018

Ephesians 2:1 – 10 Richard Woods

Ephesians 1
March 25, 2018

Ephesians 1 Richard Woods

Genesis 11 – Tower of Babel
March 25, 2018

Genesis 11 Tower of Babel

Elaine Duncan – Psalm 19
March 18, 2018

Psalm 19 Elaine Duncan

Exodus : Saved to serve
March 11, 2018

Saved to serve Exodus 22 – [spp-timestamp time="23:19"]

Genesis 8-10 – The Flood (Part 2)
March 11, 2018

Genesis 8 – 10 The Flood (Part 2)

Exodus : The purpose and joy of the law
March 04, 2018

The purpose and joy of the law Exodus 20

Genesis 6 – The Flood (Part 1)
March 04, 2018

Genesis 6:9-[spp-timestamp time="7:24"] The Flood (Part 1)