Science Magazine Podcast

Science Magazine Podcast

Latest Episodes

Breeding better bees, and training artificial intelligence on emotional imagery
July 25, 2019

On this week’s show: Using new technology and bee behavior, researchers and beekeepers are working to defeat a mite that has decimated bee colonies worldwide. Meanwhile, other researchers are training an artificial intelligence to recognize the emotiona

Can we inherit trauma from our ancestors, and the secret to dark liquid dances
July 18, 2019

On this week’s show: Making a permanent liquid magnet, and how nongenetic factors could help parents pass trauma to their children

The point of pointing, and using seabirds to track ocean health
July 11, 2019

On this week’s show: How seabirds can be “barometers” for marine ecosystems during times of environmental stress, and the origins of pointing

Converting carbon dioxide into gasoline, and ‘autofocal’ glasses with lenses that change shape on the fly
July 04, 2019

On this week’s show: Will making gasoline from carbon dioxide soon be cheaper than pulling it out of the ground? And new “autofocal” glasses may soon replace your bifocals

Creating chimeras for organ transplants and how bats switch between their eyes and ears on the wing
June 27, 2019

On this week’s show: making chimeras by placing stem cells from one species into the embryo of another, and exploring how bats switch between vision and echolocation. Plus, our monthly books segment!

The why of puppy dog eyes, and measuring honesty on a global scale
June 20, 2019

On this week’s show: what puppy dog eyes and diseased spines mean for our understanding of dog domestication, and a study on honesty that involved placing 17,000 “lost” wallets around the world

Better hurricane forecasts and spotting salts on Jupiter’s moon Europa
June 13, 2019

On this week’s show: A swarm of satellites helps measure the speed of hurricane winds, and new data on the surface of Europa reveal more about its subsurface oceans

The limits on human endurance, and a new type of LED
June 06, 2019

On this week’s show: Perovskites have made it big in solar and are now poised to enter the light-emitting diode business, and what we can learn about the limits of human endurance from transcontinental racers

Grad schools dropping the GRE requirement and AIs play capture the flag
May 30, 2019

On this week’s show: why some Ph.D. programs are dropping the General Record Examination requirement for applicants and why DeepMind is teaching artificial agents to play a video game from 1999

New targets for the world’s biggest atom smasher and wood designed to cool buildings
May 23, 2019

On this week’s show: The Large Hadron Collider could be making particles that physicists haven’t looked for and modified wood that can passively cool buildings