Samuel Adams - The Anti-Federalists Got It Right

Samuel Adams - The Anti-Federalists Got It Right

Episode 322: Blue State Constitutions And More

October 15, 2021

Blue State Constitutions
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Blue State Constitutions? Really? Blue States have Constitutions?
I know that it is hard to believe that States like California and New York actually have ‘State Constitutions.’ One would think that they are just extensions of the federal government bureaucracies and the D.C. Swamp. Well, in a Hamiltonian way they have become that consolidated, assimilated region of the Federal Government.
Believe it or not, the State Constitutions of California and New York have a Bill of Rights as their ‘first’ article. This is significant. Not only that, but the number of sections in theses constitutions is telling about what the Citizens of those states can claim.
Californians have the capacity to reform their state on the basis of Article I. New York not so much. I discuss this in the first segment.
Corporatism Corrupts State Constitutions
My focus for this weeks program is only on two of the Blue States, it is clear by all the policies that California and New York have done away with any Article I, their Bill of Rights, Citizen authority from their State Constitutions. The only thing remaining operational in those ‘covenants’ with the people are the processes of government. But that is another discussion for another day.
What is clear by the definitions from Last Weeks Program, is that local, national and global corporatism is the mechanisms of governing in these two Blue States.
The challenge to all in those state is to read, learn and act according to their Article I: Bill of Rights from their State Constitution.
Constitutions Are Covenant/Contract
While writing my book ‘From Covenant To The Present Constitution,’ I did a lot, and I mean a lot of study on covenant and contract. I attest that constitutions are in every sense of foundational and historical record, a covenant.
With that said, as I note on the podcast/vblog, Dr. Rushdoony, who many of you out there don’t like, does hit this one out of the part and right between your eyes into your thinking. Consider the following from; Introduction to the Law:
‘Before we begin our study of biblical law, however, it is important to recognize certain general facts concerning law. First of all, law in every culture, in every civilization is religious in origin. There is no place in the world where we can go where we can find law that is not religious. Law reflects what men believe to be is basically right and wrong in a society. It reflects the ideas of culture, of justice, of ultimacy.
Second, in any and every society, the source of law is the god of that society. The easiest place to locate the god of any system is to look to the source of law. If the courts are the source of law and there is no higher law beyond the courts, the courts have made themselves god, as is increasingly the case in our society. If the monarch rules absolutely and makes himself the ultimate lawgiver, then he is a god. If it is the people according to the theory of democracy, who are the source of law, then the people are the god of that system. In Marxism, it is the people as they find voice in the state. Mao Tse Tung has said our god is none other than the masses of the Chinese people, but the voice of this god can only be the communist party. In any and every law system, the source of law is the god of that society.
Third, it follows from this that any change of law, any change of law that affects the basic law structure of society is a change of religion, and this is exactly what we have been undergoing for the past genera...