Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

Latest Episodes

Mormons Explain Kolob
August 27, 2020

If you're a Mormon, it's likely that you've heard the word "Kolob" but don't know much about what it means. Or maybe you've seen the Book of Mormon musical and have heard that Mormons believe that God lives on a planet called "Kolob." Is Kolob truly the l

How Do I Know if I'm in Love
August 26, 2020

Are you really in love? Are you just crushing or are you really falling in love? What are the differences between crushing someone and genuinely starting to like someone? Are your feelings real? Mimi and Eric talk about love, obsession, crushing, dating,

Worldwide Membership (Sistas In Zion)
August 25, 2020

This week we had an incredible guest on our show, Tamu Smith! Tamu is one of the two "Sistas In Zion" and coauthor of the book "Diary of Two Mad Black Mormons."    Watch along as we talk about how our church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter

Was I called to the WRONG mission??
August 24, 2020

In the Church of Jesus Christ (otherwise known as the Mormon Church), young adults are called to serve full-time missions. A member who chooses to serve will submit an application with no knowledge as to where in the world they will go. The leaders of the

Living with Mental Illness
August 21, 2020

After losing 17 pounds in one month and being frozen with fear, Sabrina decided to get some help with her anxiety. Do you currently suffer from a mental illness that gets in the way of your every day life? Do you feel like an untreated mental illness can

Do I HAVE to Get Married in the TEMPLE??
August 19, 2020

Members of the restored Church (otherwise known as the Mormon Church or LDS Church) often emphasize getting married in one of the religion's many temples. We believe that marriage in the temple can last for all eternity, not just this life.    B

Why are there so many Mormon entrepreneurs?
August 17, 2020

In a recent Jimmy Fallon video featuring Guy Raz from 'How I Built This,' Raz talks about what members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons) learn early on that makes them great entrepreneurs.    Jimmy a

Advice from a recovering perfectionist | ft. Ganel-Lyn
August 13, 2020

We have Ganel-Lyn back on the show for a remarkable episode on being broken. WE LOVE GANEL-LYN AND WE LOVE BEING BROKEN.    All of us have been (okay, are) broken. There are things in our life, our family, our persona, etc that just don't fit th

What's next for early return missionaries??
August 10, 2020

In today's episode of Saints Unscripted, Kwaku and David sit down with Spencer to talk about early released missionaries in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as Mormon missionaries).   Why do some missionaries come home earl

The BEST and WORST Mormon marriage advice!
August 07, 2020

Okay. I think we can all admit that there is SO MUCH marriage advice and everyone has something different to say... do couples even agree on certain marriage advice? We wanted to put it to the test! So on today's episode, the hosts read a bunch of marriag