Saint George Parish - St. George Catholic Church Homilies
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Homily for June 21, 2020
The Blessed Virgin "kept ALL THESE THINGS in her heart." She didn't run away from hard truths, or confusing events or troublesome realities. She took them to her heart, and there sat with them in the presence of the Lord. We need to invite the Lord to hea
Homily for June 13, 2020
We don't always know how to effect real Communion with another, but Jesus tells us how to do this with Him: eating the glorious flesh and blood of the Son of Man. We need to "look" with the eyes of the spirit. And then we can begin to see and make true co
Homily for June 7, 2020
When Moses hears what kind of God the LORD is, he immediately exclaims: Accompany us! Pardon us! Let us belong to you! That's what the Father does for us in Christ with the Holy Spirit. And it's what we should do for others.
Homily for May 31, 2020
One of the great images of Pentecost in the Acts of the Apostles is the Praying Church. That Church gathering included the 12 (Church leadership), the Blessed Mother, various women, who had provided for Jesus to assist His ministry, and family members of
Homily for May 24, 2020
Just before the Ascension, the disciples see the risen Christ, and they worship Him...and they the same time! Despite their doubts, they still worshipped. And we should, too! Our faith waxes and wanes, and that's ok. And our worship helps!
Homily for May 10, 2020
Spiritual houses lead to the royal priesthood, which leads to spiritual sacrifices, and spiritual sacrifices are the ways you and I bring order and beauty to our world, our house, our lives.
Homily for May 3, 2020
Without the gift of the Holy Spirit, we will always fall short in loving another human being, letting alone feeling perfectly loved. It is Jesus alone, the Good Shepherd, who can give us the Holy Spirit. And St. Peter says He does this whenever we repent
Homily for April 26, 2020
Christ has ransom us from our futile conduct. What are the examples of futile conduct in your own life? Certainly when we walk away from the faith like the 2 disciples in the gospel today. But anytime we turn away from what is most true, good, and loving
Homily for April 12, 2020
Resurrection is something we long for, our greatest desire. And the more we desire, the more our heart expands and stretches, the more capacity we have to love. During our pandemic, let us long for union, with Christ and with one another, even if it's the
Homily for April 11, 2020
The meeting with the risen Jesus is not simply a close family reunion. It's an encounter with the divine Lord who has conquered over death and lives forever. Jesus is risen! He is truly risen!